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Students Return to Zoom Once Again!

After one semester of living an endless cycle of rushing to school at 6am, going back home all tired and procrastinating until midnight, it is time for us students to return to online classes again! Don’t you miss the great life of sleeping in and waking up five minutes before class starts, never paying attention in class and pretending your camera or microphone is broken?

I bet you do!

Due to a flight attendant who unfortunately spread the virus ‘Omicron’ throughout Hong Kong, we now have to take extra precautions when going places (*cough cough* school.) The latest rules for travel and social distancing may be shocking compared to those we have experienced before. Restaurants now close at 6pm, which means that you will most likely not be able to eat dinner outside with your friends (if you have any) anymore — how sad! Most places where a lot of people gather are also closed until further notice.

Your mother may have said something like this:

“I pay so much for the school fee and now you have to go on Zoom? I am so mad at COVID-19!!!”

COVID has allowed us students to learn the art of being lazy. Honestly, I think we all have given up at this point. But as a side note, we have to stay focused as well because our future doctors, lawyers and government officials all come from this generation of kids who play Roblox in the Math Zoom. The controversial topic regarding online classes may spark disagreements between parents and children, we all know that online classes definitely give students the opportunity to relax a bit more than usual (in a good way).

Returning back to Zoom might be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how we view it. As long as we try our best to pay attention in class, the future economy won’t be that bad — or so I say.

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