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Panic! At The Supermarket

The See Lai’s have done it again!

I never have high hopes for them, but they always seem to disappoint me.

Today, every supermarket aisle is empty. It is like a ghost town; there is nothing to buy (except kiwi) and not a single human in sight… Except, of course, middle-aged PTA moms! It seems like See Lai’s will buy anything in times like these. No one benefits from panic buying. You’re not going to end up eating all that food, and some people are going to starve!

A person affected by this issue is Minion Tor — a worker at Leeks. He had to buy kiwis (ew) in the supermarket the other day. When he walked into the store, he found nothing but piles of kiwi. He was lucky! It seemed like he was the only one who wanted to buy kiwi. However, he soon met the line. It circled the whole supermarket, and he had no choice but to wait.

At this time, he deliberated. Will it be worth all this time to buy a single kiwi? It was for an assignment; he had no choice. He ended up waiting for forty minutes before checkout. It was a self-checkout machine, and he had to wait for forty minutes! Do you know how ridiculous it is? Because See Lai’s never use self-checkout machines (they have to use their mountains of supermarket coupons), so when they end up using them, they end up being slow as heck and annoying the people behind them!

Minion Tor was “shocked and horrified by the state of supermarkets” and “urged every citizen to banish See Lai’s”.

And think about it! Who are the ones benefiting from this crisis?

If you read the Wikipedia page of Park and Shop, you can see that it is ultimately owned by CK Hutchison Holdings — or… Li Ka-Shing.

This is not the first time that they have caused trouble…

See Lai’s alone are responsible for causing the 2008 Financial Crash, 1921 Great Depression and more*. We have to create consequences for the See Lai’s. Obviously, I’m not an expert in SLT (See Lai Torture), but I have a few ideas of my own.

1. The Ax

There is nothing more haunting for a See Lai than getting kicked out of the Parent Teacher Association (or the weekday Mahjong club). Warn them with the ax. Make them scared, make them frightened.

2. Voucher

See Lai’s will die for $10 Park and Shop vouchers. With the cooperation of Li Ka Shing, we can give free coupons for See Lai’s who don’t commit such crimes.

3. See Lai Pass

Anyone who is not a See Lai can enter supermarkets, restaurants and more. This keeps any See Lai’s from entering places where danger can happen

Spread awareness today.

Thank you, See Lai’s.

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