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New school club surveys people’s opinions on surveys

Joining the (over) two thousand existing clubs at RCHK, the Survey Awareness Group, or SAG for short, aims to gather people’s opinions on the deluge of surveys that students find in their inboxes every day. I spoke to the organiser, an anonymous year 13 student who wanted me to state that this was definitely not set up because they couldn’t think of a good CAS project. The student said, “The aim of our organisation is to send out weekly surveys, preferably to the entire student cohort, in an effort to understand the ever-changing response to the simply monstrous number of questionnaires that students are faced with each day.”

Continuing, the student stated, “Once we receive this information we will be sure to pass it on to the student council where swift action will certainly be taken. If necessary, we can also contact the heads of well-being and principals. You could say that we are quite important. Additionally, as the staff and students at Renaissance College are from a variety of backgrounds, I would say we are engaging globally if you know what I mean. On an entirely unrelated note, can I use this article as evidence on Managebac?”

To see what students thought about this idea, I sent out a form to hundreds of RCHK students, selected randomly. In general, it seemed that there was support for the idea with 2 out of the 3 total responses being in favour. This could actually be viewed as 100% approval if you took the sole outlying answer of ‘I dislike surveys’ as an example of irony, which I am sure we are all experts on because of extensive practice in English classes.

In addition to sending out this form, I talked in person to some students during lunchtime. While the most common response I got was “Go away, nobody likes you,” I did get some other responses as well. One year 11 student, whose name I forgot to write down, said, “I can’t be the only one to see the irony there, right? A group opposed to surveys, sending out surveys?”. While evidently, this student had no idea what they were talking about, it is interesting to see this issue from a different, if inferior, perspective.

The club will be advertising for members on the student bulletin starting next week, with meetings during lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in addition to Tuesdays and Thursdays. Failure to attend any meeting will lead to your expulsion from the group and you being placed on their list of ‘human failures,’ which will be read out to the entire school on the PA system every morning during advisory. Anyone who complains about this rule will have ‘TRAITOR’ branded permanently on their IB diploma (if they graduate, of course). According to the group's Weebly page, this is because ‘We at SAG believe that our mission provides a vital service to the RCHK community and therefore we require the utmost of commitment to this sacred honour’.

Having previewed the student bulletin early thanks to what can only be described as bribery, I can confirm that the ‘Doing a handstand and juggling at the same time Club’ will also be advertised, as prophesied in my last article. This truly goes to show the breadth of talent at RCHK and does not at all show the desperation of DP students to have a CAS activity that differs in some way from the other clubs.

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