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Writer's pictureworon

i declare war on all right handed people

Listen up, child! You are most likely to be a right-handed person and I don’t like you very much.

Around 90% of the world population is right hand dominant. That means they are likely to use their right hand for writing, sports and other things. This leaves left-handed people in the minority, and nothing ever goes right when there's a majority and a minority.

As a left-hander, I feel discriminated against. Not only is there a considerable bias against left-handers like me, but I have also often been called words such as 'leftie', 'leftist', and 'un-right'. People are cruel, everyone is trying to make fun of my hand orientation. I never chose to be a left-hander! Why are people so offensive to others without a choice? If I were to choose, I would pick to be a right-hander. Therefore I wouldn't be stressed by the struggles of society when they only accept cookie-cutter majorities.

Every time someone learns that I am left-handed, they immediately turn their back against me. They don't want to associate with me anymore. And I have to say: What is so bad about being left-handed? After all, we are all human beings and deserve to be treated equally. Just because I use a different hand to write with doesn't mean I am inferior to you.

And here goes the struggle all left-handed people are facing. The problem is, we are not being heard. Our voices must not be loud enough. Even though there are seven-hundred million of us, a majority have not dared to come out and speak. The only way for society to acknowledge my existence is to disrupt society. That means that they have to clean us up, therefore noticing our presence.

If you think I am naive, I am not alone. I have former president Barack Obama on my side (also Cheung Ka-Long. He is cool but he isn’t Obama). Obama is a left-handed individual who, throughout his entire life, has been silenced for his minority status as a left-hander. When he became president, he made landmark reforms for equality. But it is not enough.

For two hundred thousand years, we have been silenced. But on this day, I pledge to rise. We will start a revolution. We will begin the 'Left-Handers Revolution'.

But a revolution needs people.

If you are a fellow left-hander like me, join me.

If you are a fellow supporter, join me.

Because I declare war on all right-handed people.

Be prepared.

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