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Enrollments For Fencing Lessons Skyrocket Following Historic Olympic Win

Residents of Hong Kong received free dopamine during the Toe-kyo Olympics after 男神 (male god) Cheung Ka-Long bagged a gold medal, Hong Kong’s first in twenty years. Following the win, enrolments for fencing classes have increased by 1000%.

You might think that the twenty-four-year-old fencer attracted many younglings to sign up, but it’s simply not true. Instead of drawing in the younger generation, middle aged see-lai’s were desperately signing their children up for expensive courses.

Chief Economist Toe Chan insists that "The younger generation does not care about fencing at all. It's just middle-aged mothers who believe that their little weakling gremlin… thing is the only hope for Hong Kong's Olympic future. Because maybe then, once their little goblin has won Hong Kong an olympic medal, their husbands will stop buying milk."

It's safe to say that fencing will be one of the most popular 'sports' in Hong Kong. But is that out of passion or the desire to get sponsor money from Olympic fame and money? Mothers also admit that they want their child to be as cool as Ka-Long, but they completely forget that their child still has trouble differentiating their lefts from their rights at the age of ten.

I understand that see lais think that fencing would be a good investment for their offspring. However, their misunderstanding of basic economics knows no bounds. Have the mothers heard about supply and demand? When demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. Are mothers going to work a part-time job just for fencing? At this rate, all fencing teachers are going to be millionaires by the end of the year.

So I propose an idea for all the mothers out there. How about enrolling your child in swimming, track cycling, or table tennis? I heard that decent table tennis players are in low supply after China’s team got sent to jail for not winning gold at one event. Show some love to the other sports we earned medals for. Instead of being the worst fencer in the city, your child can still be the best swimmer!

Let children sign up for anything but esports.

Unless they want to become a streamer. Ranboo earns 200k USD per month from subs alone. Please, let them bring the money into Hong Kong’s economy.

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