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Companies Keep Simplifying Their Logos... and it’s not okay

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

Companies these days love to trash their brand identity with some generic flat design minimalist logos. Take a company with a perfectly good logo, suck all the life out of it and replace the font with some boring and dumb sans-serif, Helvetica new and congratulations! You're now the head of designing for a billion-dollar corporation.

This is the trend that every company has been doing for the past couple of years and I assume it's done to present their own companies as “hip and lit and trendy” for gen z and millennials.

Do you guys know the popular e-dating app, Discord? Yeah, they announced that they’ve redesigned their logo and the depression rates all over the world have increased a lot since. First of all, what is that text? How did you find a font that is uglier than comic sans, and why is it all squashed and stretched? Why did they get rid of the iconic blue colour for that ugly purplish colour? Why did you change the slogan to imagine a place? What place? Are we supposed to imagine discord as the IB, casually sending young kids to hell and forcing them to do slave labour? Well, Discord is actually kind of like the IB, but instead of sending kids to hell, they send them to sweaty little Discord mods.

I'll give them some credit, a participation award or a star from your teacher saying “you tried” if you will. At least the font is unique, like thank god they didn’t put some generic modern font and call it a day.

Next, Petco. They used to have this powerful red font. It screams at you, it shouts at you and makes you feel awake and enlightened. Then, get these two colourful little pets, the blue cat and the red dog and-

Oh my god, it's all gone, now it’s just some boring corporate font with some dull colours and most importantly, they killed the pets.

Speaking of killing animals, let’s look at Firefox. Firefox didn’t put down the fox, they only chopped off its arm and turned it into some messed up animatronic. This triggers me the most, partly because firefox is one of the last places that allow you to play flash games, but mostly, their parent company Mozilla actually has one of the best logo redesigns, they didn’t use some dumb generic font and call it a day, but they used the punctuation creatively and incorporated into their logo pretty well, and I think it’s pretty smart.

But NO, Firefox just has to have this dumb generic logo with an animatronic fox attached to it. Next thing we know, Firefox’s logo will be nothing more than an orange circle.

If you think the fox in Firefox suffered the most, take a long look at the Pringles guy. Look what they did to my guy, his face is melted, his hair has been burnt, and his moustache is now replaced with this disgusting black tar. This is the reason why most people don’t buy Pringles, not because of their bland flavours or their dumb Pringles can design.

On eBay, you never know what you're going to find, and the old logo with a bunch of letters with different widths, heights, fonts and colours reflect this very important aspect of eBay. And yet again, just like every company these days, it’s just another dumb logo with a dumb font on it. But hey, they kept the different colours so congrats, you get another “you tried” sticker, eBay.

Now there are more companies with dumb logo changes, but since I don’t want to make this article too long, here are some honourable mentions:

  • Ubisoft’s new logo looks like crap, actually though, because if you look at it from the top-down view, it is just crap.

  • Hp, change their logo to 4 lines, 2 long lines and 2 short lines. This logo change alone reduced my hp to 0.

  • Pepsi changed their logo in 2008, and it’s fine and all, but why do you have to release a 26-page document with it, explaining the logo change, and saying how it’s affected by “Pepsi energy fields” and “gravitational pull of Pepsi” (this is not a joke btw, you can search it up).

  • And finally, Snapple changed its logo and its bottles to plastic, oh my god, I WILL KILL EVERY LIVING ORGANISM ON THIS PLANET BEFORE I DRINK A SNAPPLE PLASTIC BOTTLE (The logo is actually fine, I just wanted to rant about their new dumb bottles).

Now there is some good news in the midst of every company that is changing their logos, when they receive negative feedback they will change their logos back. Back in 2010, Gap changed their logo, and it was so bad that it cost them 100 million dollars. The negative results of their logo change were so overwhelming that they changed their logo back just in a week.

This is the kind of action companies need to take, but sometimes companies won’t do that without a high amount of negative feedback. As a normal and rational person, I suggest that we commit mass arson to all the companies that simplify their logos, it is our duty to ensure that humanity will no longer be tortured by oversimplified company logos.

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