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BREAKING: Maths AI student solves 2+2 without the help of graphics display calculator

Turns out there’s a world beyond n-solve! Last week, a Year 12 Maths AI student shocked his class by figuring out the answer to 2+2 without relying on his GDC. This was an unprecedented moment in the short history of the Maths AI curriculum, as every other Maths AI student is surgically attached to their TI-nspire and unable to produce basic thoughts without it.

It was a difficult process for the anonymous student, as their comically oversized base 10 blocks took up all the space on their desk, but after seven hours of deliberation the student finally arrived at the triumphant and correct conclusion of 2+2 = 4. Well done!

“I didn’t think I had the ability to come this far,” said the student, “but I persevered and pushed myself to the limit. Only one year ago, I was still figuring out what numbers even were! Anything is possible if you really try.”

Another student was awed by his classmates' raw mathematical skill:“ This was groundbreaking to me. I didn’t know it was possible for people like us, but now I’m inspired to finally learn basic arithmetic. Maybe now I can finally understand how many apples Johnny has.”

From the other side of the Group 5 studies, a Maths AA student expressed disbelief: “I’m impressed a Maths AI student could manage to find the time for pure maths in between eating crayons and making surveys! I see they’ve upgraded to eating their calculators as well…”

It looks as though each year is more promising than the last. But what’s next for this enterprising young student?

“Well, I’ve auctioned off my GDC to a Year 7,” he stated. “Now that I’ve discovered that my brain works, who needs that silly computer!”

Any future plans?

“I think I’ll apply for a NASA internship,” he said, confidently. “With my newfound maths abilities, I really think I could get there.”

One sure can dream!

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