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about us

RCHK Leeks is a leading figure in the news media industry. As false news has become more prominent in recent years due to the rise of social media, Leeks aims to accurately inform audiences of the truth and more than the truth, going above and beyond to obtain this information.

vision statement

Who even reads the news these days? (We know you don’t. Don’t lie.) Lack of news reading is the number one problem in our dearly beloved RCHK community. Tragic! Every day, more and more people are unaware of the state of the world around them - a troubling reality. This is why, here at RCHK Leeks, our media empire aspires to produce a community of critical thinkers who can read, which we know is a daunting task. Yet, we want more than anything to inform the world. And we will succeed. We are the providers of beyond the truth.


mission statement


 Our mission is to bring comedy to the masses - and what better way to engage the world with the truth than through relatable humour?  We at Leeks are providing quality information on the reality of the RCHK community through weekly amusing comics and articles.  Our website ensures that our word is accessible to all who seek it. We are 100% verifiable for all purposes. We are non-GMO. We are trustworthy.


our history

Four score and seven years ago, our great founder (who has now gone on to the greener pastures of university), received a great dream of apparitions that told of a media empire to rival no other.

“You must…leek the truth,” creaked the voices. “Change the world. My final message. Goodbye.”

And leek the truth we did. Now in our third year of operation, RCHK Leeks has provided nothing but light and love to the students of RCHK, blessing their path as they navigated the cruel world of the International Baccalaureate program. The prevailing minds behind our operation are staunchly unfailing in their duty to the school, and willing to do whatever it takes to show the truth - the real truth.


work with us

The team shares the light-hearted nature of the stories of the RCHK Leeks. Along with the incredible and loyal minions, the team embodies the spirit of truth in their day-to-day lives. As a thank you to our hard workers, a lucky minion each month will have the privilege of being sacrificed to Harry the cat (see Harry Shrine) to strengthen the empire.

We know that without our minions, there will be no one to do our bidding. That’s why we always make sure that our workspace is filled with positivity, energy and laughter. If you ever have time to pay a visit, you are sure to find that no one in our office ever feels dissatisfied.

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© RCHK Leeks, 2023

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