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Apply to RCHK Leeks!

RCHK Leeks is a trustworthy and highly regarded news source within the RCHK Community. Not only do we provide reliable news that is backed up by multiple sources but we also produce works of art and literature. A leading figure in the journalism industry, RCHK Leeks has been dubbed as the “Future of Communications and Technology” by multiple experts in the industry.


As a result of our highly regarded working conditions and the significance we carry in the industry, competition for entry into our business has been vigorous and highly competitive. Due to this, the company has established a rigorous and stringent application process that filters for the best-fit employees for the business. Please note that the interviewing process will be filmed to be reviewed at a later date. 


After each step, you will receive an email within the two weeks that will confirm your acceptance towards the next round or your rejection.


Step 1:

Submit the following information in the below: 

  • Curriculum Vitae (or a description about yourself)

  • amongus

  • Pictures of pets 

Include contact details (phone number, email address)

















Step 2:

Once you have passed the first step, you will receive further instructions regarding the

interviewing process.


You will need to coordinate with our HR manager, Shawn Shum, to schedule an interviewing appointment that will require around two hours.


The following process will require you to participate in:


  • A high pressure, fast-paced, question-answer style interview

  • Having your artistic soul stared into by interviewers ***

  • A test requiring you to write an article based off of one of three topics chosen within the given hour **

  • A test requiring you to design a headline photo for one of three articles chosen within the given hour ***

  • Instagram follower check


**Only Journalist Position

***Only Designer Position


Step 3: 

The environment in RCHK Leeks promotes critical thinking and freedom of expression. As such, we would like to see you be able to express yourself and your views with affirmative, firm and effective communication skills. The more persuasive, the better! Will you be able to stand your ground? 


  • Debate your stance on the socioeconomic climate of international schools relative to hong kong and how it compares to the modern-day working environment of a journalism organisation

Please note that this step is not required until further notice due to Covid-19


Step 4: 

Congratulations! You have made it into the final round. In order to see if you are able to fit into the RCHK Leeks working environment, you will be assigned an unpaid internship position in the business for one week. You will be assigned work based on the job you are applying for:

Entry Level Jobs
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Send submissions to or use our submissions page!

© RCHK Leeks, 2023

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